Wednesday, April 7, 2010

funny things Evan has said while praying

  • When praying on Monday night he repeated, "Dear God" and then he said "Thank you my cycle, my wagon, my trains. Amen"
  • We had lunch with our friends Ryan and Courtney Hill on Easter. So, that night I asked Evan to thank God for them . He repeated Courtney's name fine, but when I said "Ryan" he roared like a Lion. I said no, it's "Ryan"...he roared again. So, thank you God for Courtney and Lion. :)
  • We've been praying for our friends Ben and Nicole quite a bit lately so one day last week Evan was persistent. He said, "Thank you mommy, daddy, and Ben" "Nico and Ben and Ben" I said in Jesus' name...."and Ben"

1 comment:

Amy said...

Those are too cute! :-)